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TSF Only: Non-Union Computer Store Captain Spam Capture the flag one starone starone star Download file

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Level: Non-Union Computer Store
Author: Captain Spam (Nicholas Killewald)
Size: 125 x 70 (Layer 4)
Level type: Capture the Flag
Tileset: Tubelectric (Official Epic tileset)
Microwave burritos eaten for breakfast during production: 7
First hosted: September 14, 1998
My reccomended number of players: 6


Ah, yes, back to the world of CTFs for me.  The decision to make this
rediculous level was
simple: Pick a tileset and run with it.  Unfortunately, now I hate the
Tubelectric tileset.

The middle (brick) and lower (tech) levels were okay, I think, but when I
started making the
attic (yellow wood), I got really bored, really fast.  The wood makes a
nice atticy effect
(Wow, is atticy a real word?), but there's not too much inspiration in it. 
So, I decided to
cover up my inadequecies with darkness.  Well, not really, the darkness was
an idea I had.  I
figured, if the attic WAS an attic, wouldn't it be rather dark?  And
wouldn't it look kinda
cool?  Throwing regards to framerate and internet lag aside, I made sure
the light level
was 15% whenever you were upstairs.

I found that you need a lot of people to make this one worthwile.  There's
too much to
explore to keep the players low.  It's roughly the same size as Just Your
Typical Level, but
I actually filled in the top of the map, rather than leave it open. 
Unfortunately, with a
28.8K connection, I'm kinda limited to how many people can be on board my
server at once,
while keeping it within a good connection.  Hmph.

This level went through a LOT of revisions before I finally got the durn
thing right.  That's
why I hate it.  I've worked with it too long, watching the same scenery,
listening to the
same music, everything.  Arrgh.

-Captain Spam



Did you know the bases were originally going to be in those brick
structures with background
bricks in them?

Did you know they were then going to be right after the warpmadoohickeys?

Did you know they were also going to be in the right spots? (Blue base on
the left, etc.)

There are twenty-one dashes seperating the sections in this Readme.

I spent the longest time working on this one than any other level.  (One
month, 5 days)

The lighting was going to be 10% upstairs, but I got complaints.

This was a part of the Spamtasia Deluxe CTF pack.

You're reading too far down.  Stop it.

The max framerate I hit while hosting this was 15.  It dropped to 9 later
in the day.


"Evil never dies, it just comes back in reruns." -Captain Spam
Evidence: Cartoon Network (Granted, they have good shows and great