Downloads containing trsbatl.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Treasure Hunt Battle Pack Onag Treasure hunt one starone starone star Download file

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                      T H E   A R E N A

           T R E A S U R E   H U N T   B A T T L E


                 i n c l u d e d   f i l e s

The following files should all have been included in the
"" file. If any of the files below are
missing, please visit The Arena homepage and download the
full level pack.

   1) trsbatl.txt - Treasure Hunt Battle README
   2) trsbatl1.j2l - "One True Blue" by Onag
   3) trsbatl2.j2l - "Hot Rock" by Onag
   4) trsbatl3.j2l - "Highrise Heist" by Onag
   5) trsbatl4.j2l - "Castle Rock" by Onag
   6) trsbatl5.j2l - "Sand Stone" by Onag
   7) trsbatl6.j2b - "Jungle Gem" by Onag


           t r e a s u r e   h u n t   b a t t l e

The Arena's Treasure Hunt Battle pack was designed to bring
a new aspect to the Treasure Hunt playing mode of Jazz2.
Each level contains only one blue gem which regenerates at
varying speeds. Because there are so few gems to go around,
the level is basically a big battle arena. If you would like
to run this pack on your own server, simply extract all of
the included files to your "Jazz2/" directory and start a
new server with the starting level set to "trsbatl1".


                a b o u t   t h e   a r e n a

The Arena is a semi-dedicated server offering Internet Jazz
gaming of all sorts. Everything from FreeFighting battles to
clan Capture the Flag tournaments are held on The Arena. For
a complete description of The Arena and what it has to
offer, check out the official homepage at:

           < >

When you check out the site, you'll find a monthly planner
so you will know what's going on when. You'll also be able
to sign up for tournaments and even schedule your own!


                        c r e d i t s

Onag was the sole force driving this level pack, giving
little reason for this credits section. However, I'd like
to thank everyone who playtested these levels when the pack
was under construction. Without their positive feedback,
this pack would never have been finished.

Finally, I'd like to thank all of the Jazz fans out there
for actually downloading and playing these level packs.
Without you, The Arena is nothing.


                        c o n t a c t

For more information about The Arena or the Winter Warzone
level pack, please visit The Arena homepage at:

           < >

If you have a question, feel free to email me:

                    < >

Or, if you prefer you can send me a message on ICQ:

                        UIN - 6503092

I am always open to questions, comments, and suggestions for
future events. Please give me your feedback, as I'm always
looking for ways to make The Arena a better server.
