Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
Weapon List | Spaz Electro | Mutator | N/A |
class Key
string id;
int code;
Key(string id, int code)
{ = id;
this.code = code;
array<Key@> KEYS = {
Key("F2", 0x71),
Key("F5", 0x74),
Key("F6", 0x75),
Key("F7", 0x76),
Key("F10", 0x79),
Key("F11", 0x7A),
Key("Insert", 0x2D),
Key("Home", 0x24),
Key("PageUp", 0x21),
Key("Delete", 0x2E),
Key("End", 0x23),
Key("PageDown", 0x22),
Key("Colon", 0xBA),
Key("QuotationMark", 0xDE),
Key("Backspace", 0x08),
Key("Backslash", 0xDC),
Key("Backquote", 0xC0), // default
Key("BracketLeft", 0xDB),
Key("BracketRight", 0xDD),
Key("Comma", 0xBC),
Key("Minus", 0xBD),
Key("Period", 0xBE),
Key("Slash", 0xBF),
Key("Plus", 0xBB),
Key("Shift", 0x10),
Key("Alt", 0x12),
Key("Control", 0x11),
Key("Tab", 0x09),
Key("Caps Lock", 0x14),
Key("Space", 0x20),
Key("Up", 0x26),
Key("Down", 0x28),
Key("Left", 0x25),
Key("Right", 0x27),
Key("NumpadSlash", 0x6F),
Key("NumpadAsterisk", 0x6A),
Key("NumpadMinus", 0x6D),
Key("NumpadPlus", 0x6B),
Key("Numpad1", 0x61),
Key("Numpad2", 0x62),
Key("Numpad3", 0x63),
Key("Numpad4", 0x64),
Key("Numpad5", 0x65),
Key("Numpad6", 0x66),
Key("Numpad7", 0x67),
Key("Numpad8", 0x68),
Key("Numpad9", 0x69),
Key("Numpad0", 0x60),
Key("NumpadPeriod", 0x6E),
Key("0", 0x30),
Key("1", 0x31),
Key("2", 0x32),
Key("3", 0x33),
Key("4", 0x34),
Key("5", 0x35),
Key("6", 0x36),
Key("7", 0x37),
Key("8", 0x38),
Key("9", 0x39),
Key("A", 0x41),
Key("B", 0x42),
Key("C", 0x43),
Key("D", 0x44),
Key("E", 0x45),
Key("F", 0x46),
Key("G", 0x47),
Key("H", 0x48),
Key("I", 0x49),
Key("J", 0x4A),
Key("K", 0x4B),
Key("L", 0x4C),
Key("M", 0x4D),
Key("N", 0x4E),
Key("O", 0x4F),
Key("P", 0x50),
Key("Q", 0x51),
Key("R", 0x52),
Key("S", 0x53),
Key("T", 0x54),
Key("U", 0x55),
Key("V", 0x56),
Key("W", 0x57),
Key("X", 0x58),
Key("Y", 0x59),
Key("Z", 0x5A),
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.