Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
Custom Weapons... | Violet CLM | Other | 10 |
#pragma require "weaponVMega6.asc"
#include "MLLE-Weapons.asc"
#pragma require "weaponVMega.j2a"
namespace WeaponVMega {
namespace Crackerjack {
class Weapon : MLLEWeapons::WeaponInterface {
Weapon() {
regularObjectTemplate: MLLEWeapons::ObjectTemplate(
xSpeed: 1.25
powerupObjectTemplate: MLLEWeapons::ObjectTemplate(
xSpeed: 1.25,
animSpeed: 2,
curAnim: 1
animSetFilename: "weaponVMega.j2a",
animSetID: 5,
pickupAnimation: 3,
poweredUpPickupAnimation: 4,
pickupFrameIDToUseForAmmoCrate: 1,
gradualAim: true,
traits: se::weapon_default_traits | se::weapon_increases_mobility | se::weapon_fails_in_interiors,
behavior: function(obj, powerup) { obj.behavior = Behavior; }
void Behavior(jjOBJ@ obj) {
if (obj.state == STATE::START) {
obj.state = STATE::FLY;
obj.xSpeed += obj.var[7] / 65536.f;
obj.xPos += obj.xSpeed * 2; obj.yPos += obj.ySpeed * 2;
} else if (obj.state == STATE::EXPLODE || MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::MaskedPixel(obj))
MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::Blast(obj, jjAnimSets[ANIM::AMMO] + 5);
else {
const float parentX = (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER) ? jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].xPos : obj.xOrg;
const float parentY = (obj.creatorType == CREATOR::PLAYER) ? jjPlayers[obj.creatorID].yPos : obj.yOrg;
if (abs(obj.xPos - parentX) >= 160 || abs(obj.yPos - parentY) >= 128)
obj.state = STATE::EXPLODE;
else {
obj.xPos += obj.xSpeed;
obj.yPos += obj.ySpeed;
//obj.var[10] = obj.var[10] + 1; //ricochet
if (jjGameTicks % 3 == 0)
for (uint i = jjObjectCount; --i != 0; ) {
jjOBJ@ other = jjObjects[i];
if (other.isActive && (other.playerHandling == HANDLING::PLAYERBULLET || other.playerHandling == HANDLING::ENEMYBULLET) && other.state != STATE::EXPLODE && (other.var[6] & 16) == 0 && obj.creator != other.creator && obj.doesCollide(other, true))
MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::Blast(other, obj.curAnim + (MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::IsPowerup(obj) ? 1 : 2));
int frameID = (jjGameTicks >> 2) & 3;
if (frameID == 0) frameID = 2;
jjDrawRotatedSpriteFromCurFrame(obj.xPos, obj.yPos, obj.curFrame + frameID, MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::GetAngle(obj), MLLEWeapons::HelpfulBulletFunctions::GetDirection(obj));
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.