Downloads containing dmancien.xm

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Snooz's little CTF pack $nóóz the great Capture the flag 7.6 Download file
TSF Only: Dark diamonds $nóóz the great Capture the flag 6.5 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Defence of the Homelands. MoonBlazE Capture the flag 7.5 Download file

File preview

|###| Instrument Name        |###| Sample Name            |
|001| *********************  |001|                        |
|002| DreamMaster Presentz   |002|                        |
|003| ***Ancient empires***  |003|                        |
|004| ********************** |004|                        |
|005| This one is not very   |005| i                      |
|006| long, but I think it   |006|                        |
|007| sounds neat!           |007|                        |
|008|                        |008|                        |
|009| I haven't been trackin |009|                        |
|010| for a while coz I've   |010|                        |
|011| been busy! Girlfriend  |011|                        |
|012| takes up a lot of time |012|                        |
|013| (YES!!!)               |013|                        |
|014|                        +---+------------------------+
|015| This XM takes U back 2 |
|016| medieval times.        |
|017|                        |
|018| This one took relative |
|019| little time (4 hours)  |
|020| and I like the result  |
|021| a lot!                 |
|022| *********************  |
|023| Style : Tell me and    |
|024| I'll know!             |
|025| Length : 2.54 min      |
|026| *********************  |
|027| Greetz 2:              |
|028| Marike, DaHill, Willie |
|029| Sorgie, Arsee, Filie,  |
|030| Mr. Vocom himself,     |
|031| Mr.H etc.............. |
|032| ********************   |
|033| See ya aRound!         |
|034| Mail me @ :maxdav@free |
|035| or @           |
|036|    |
|037| *********************  |
|038|                        |