Downloads containing fm-scrap.s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 Battle Jazz2Online Battle N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 6 Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Prime RetributionFeatured Download FireSworD Multiple 8.6 Download file

File preview

|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|                              |
|002|  'skyscraper, i love you'    |
|003|                              |
|004|  originally by underworld    |
|005|   remixed by necros / fm     |
|006|                              |
|007|  song is (c) 1995 necros     |
|008|                              |
|009|  -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |
|010|                              |
|011|  samples from the original   |
|012|  song and also from:         |
|013|  massive attack, nitzer ebb  |
|014|  soundwave, snap, and        |
|015|  various other sources.      |
|016|                              |
|017|  quick respects go to ppl    |
|018|  who have offered various    |
|019|  constructive criticism or   |
|020|  support of my work:         |
|021|                              |
|022|  basehead thanatos stinzon   |
|023|  darkheart maelcum epeius    |
|024|  vic/acme pitbull+alpha/ld   |
|025|  siren eris.esoteric         |
|026|                              |