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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Reign of BlacknessFeatured Download Blackraptor Multiple 9.7 Download file

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    |    \ ____                                 _____
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Copyright (C) 2004 by Blackraptor of OLC

                        @@@@@@@@@       @@@@             @@@@@@@ 
                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@           @@@@@@@@@@@
                     @@@@@     @@@@@    @@@@          @@@@@@    @@@
                    @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@         @@@@@ 
                    @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@         @@@@ 
                    @@@@@       @@@@@   @@@@         @@@@@ 
                     @@@@@     @@@@@    @@@@          @@@@@@    @@@
                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@
                        @@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@         

____________________||     @@@@@@@@@
                   ||   @@@@@@@@@@@@@
                                   Semi-Important Junk!                    
                   ||  @@@@@     @@@@@
                   || @@@@@       @@@@@
--=={(| When testing/reviewing the levels, play online. People who review
multiplayer levels in|| @@@@@       @@@@@
--=={(| Singleplayer suck. Feel free to distribute these in any non-profit
way and be sure to  || @@@@@       @@@@@
--=={(| credit me! Remember to turn on Respawn when hosting or somewhere
far away Bobby will be||  @@@@@     @@@@@
--=={(| deeply hurt ;-;. Thanks to all the betatester (most of them will be
mentioned somewhere||   @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
--=={(| further down the text, but I can't remember all of you who played
the levels online and||    @@@@@@@@@@@
--=={(| gave suggestions, sorry! So err...drink yer milk and eat your
vegetables!              || 
--------------------||            @@@@
____________________||            @@@@
____________________||            @@@@
--------------------||            @@@@
                   ||            @@@@
                   ||            @@@@
                   ||            @@@@
                   ||            @@@@@@@@@@
                                         Ze Levelmaker:                    
                   ||            @@@@@@@@@@
                   ||           @@@@@@@
                   ||         @@@@@@@@@@@
                   ||        @@@@@@    @@@
                                         Ze Tilesets:                      
                   ||       @@@@@
                                   7th Lava Fall - Dethman                 
                   ||       @@@@
                                  Ancient Riches - Spazzyman               
                   ||       @@@@@ 
                            Diamondus Conversion - NOKA (Epic for the
original)                ||        @@@@@@@   @@@                           
         Ceramicus Conversion - NOKA (Epic for the original)              
||         @@@@@@@@@@@ 
                                         Neonius - Bluez                   
                   ||           @@@@@@@
                                           CaKeY - Toxic Bunny             
                                     Diamondus  - Pyromanus (Partial credit
to Epic for beta) ||
                                 Spacey Universe - Disguise                
                 Egypt - Agama                                       ||    
                          Tubelectric Conversion - Newspaz (Epic for the
original)             ||          !!!!
                               Fluff for Thought - Toxic Bunny             
                   ||          !!!!               
                                          Swamps - Agama                   
                   ||          !!!!              
                                     Battleships - CelL (Epic for the
Original)                ||          !!!!              
                   ||          !!!!               
                                           Ze Musics                       
      !!                                         Gateways Part II (GW2.XM)
- Nitro/Trauma                              ||          !!!!              
                                        Bonus (s3m) - Jazz Jackrabbit.
(Epic)                  ||           !!
                    lemon.announce i (lemonann.mod) - Ripped: JCF Chapman -
Converted: Kiwi/Effect)         
                                      Diamondus.s3m - Jazz Jackrabbit.
(Epic)                  ||       
                                  White Coffee (XM) - DJZip & Rag00n   
                        Piece of Cake (pieceofc.xm) - $NeiSS"n             
                                       501trk05.j2b - from AstroniaA's 501
pack.Stup j2b format||          !!!!
                                                      cant tell who made
this. Thanks goes out ||          !!!!
                                                      to whoever did!      
                   ||          !!!!
                      Midnight Desert (mdntdsrt.xm) -  Xerion              
                   ||          !!!!
                       UnderWorld || (Unworld-2.j2b) - Alexander Brandon   
                   ||          !!!!
                                 Binary ( - ElectroPiZZa         
                   ||          !!!!
                         SmallTripToGrinava (st.xm) - pL79                 
                                   Grace (Grace.xm) - Antisocial           
                   ||           !!
                     FutureDreams (FutureDreams.xm) - Awesome              
                   ||          !!!!                                        
                                          Ze Betatesters                   
                                           Toxic Bunny                     
                                            Violet CLM                     
                   ||          !!!! 
                   ||          !!!!
                   ||          !!!!
                   ||          !!!!
                                           White Rabbit                    
                   ||          !!!! 
                   ||          !!!!   
                            Lots of people who joined when I hosted some of
these online       ||           !!
                   ||          !!!!
                 *Most of the betatesters tested a few levels that were
included in the pack   ||           !!  
                  (as few as 1), so different people tested different
levels.                  ||
                   ||      2222222222      
--------------------||      2222222222
++++++++++++++++++++||            22222
--------------------||             22222    
                   ||              22222 
LEVEL HISTORIES                                                            
                   ||             22222
                   ||            22222
                   ||      2222222222222
                           *AzTeC GolD*                                    
                   ||      2222222222222      
I started this one sometime January 2004. I think most of it was ready
sometime early spring/  ||
late winter (February - April). I brushed it up a bit sometime later. One
of the earliest      ||
levels in the pack. I remember only showing it to a few people and keeping
it as a "Secret     ||       0000000000
unreleased level". I think I only showed it to Strato, maybe
FQuist/Trafton, but I'm not sure  ||     00000000000000 
if I did. I tried to make the flow really smooth, but some of the layout
got crowded anyways.  ||    00000      00000  
This probably uses all 8 layers, and this was the best music I could find
for the level.       ||   00000        00000 
                   ||   00000        00000
                       *LeMoN NiGhTMaRe v2*                                
                   ||   00000        00000
                   ||    00000      00000
People liked this level a lot I guess, but it was really buggy, so instead
of reuploading where||     00000000000000
many people wouldn't even notice, I thought I'd include the fixed version
of it instead here.  ||       0000000000
Nothing else to say, but I like the theme and the music of the level.      
                   ||       0000000000
                         *Diamonds And Guns*                               
                   ||     00000000000000
                   ||    00000      00000
Also started back in January 2004, this was originally going to be a plain
and simple Diamondus||   00000        00000
level called "Diamonds of Diamondus" until I renamed it sometime later,
inspired by an awesome ||   00000        00000
Transplants song. I hosted this a few times a while ago I believe, and
shamelessly included it ||   00000        00000
in the treasure bash. NOKA's diamondus gave me lots of problems. First, I
had an old version of||    00000      00000
the set and had to  redownload. Then, because the set had brackets in its
name, people kept    ||     00000000000000
crashing when trying to join. It's a basic treasure level. I could've found
a better music but ||       0000000000
didn't really want to. Not the highlight of the pack.                      
                            *Quadrants of Light*                           
                   ||       4444   4444    
Until recently, this was called 4N4. Because of a late level in the lost
vikings named that (I ||       4444   4444
think it also had 4 arenas). This started out sort of pathetic, and I
exaggerated the progress ||       4444   4444
of it (It was extremely uneyecandied until later on) to try to get it over
with. I looked over ||       4444   4444
it, and  decided it needs a lot of fixing, so I did what I could. 4 arenas,
each has 35 - 40   ||       4444444444444
 gems about. Was sorta annoying eyecandying this, and I had a lot of good
musics for it but in ||       4444444444444
the end whitecoffe.xm ended up winning. Level somehow reminds me of Las
Vegas, I want it to    ||       4444444444444 
have a feel like some martian megatropolis, sorta like downtown, where
everything at night is  ||              4444
bright and flashy. An alright level.                                       
                   ||              4444
                   ||              4444
                           *Land of Waffles and Cake*                      
                   ||              4444
Started early july/really late june, I was planning it for R3ptile's
birthday on July 6th but  ||
didnt make the deadline. I worked pretty fast on this level and it was easy
to make. I sorta   ||
rushed the layout a bit, so I dont like it that much. Was finished before
Quadrants of Light,  ||----------------------------
too. I really like the music for this, how it fits =D.                     
                   ||        ( ) ( )
                   ||       /  \/  \
                   ||      /    \   \
It was early december. I was deeply troubled by a lot of irl events which
sort of seemed to    ||     /      \   \
beat me down to the ground one after the other, but I still had to finish
the pack. The        ||    /        \   \
percentage of its completion was about 57 - 59% or something, and I had
less than a month to   ||   /__________\___\
go. I decided to make a ground force level, and decided to use Diamondus B,
a recently released||   (___|_|____)_|__)  
set by Pyro. I was planning to make two example levels for it anyways, but
Pyro couldnt wait   ||       (_)    (_)
long, so they were dropped. They were originally going to use Garden and
Lava. The Garden is an||
SP I will probably never finish, and I wanted to use Lava, and when
suggesting gametypes to    ||^ - Two poorly made bells.
Pyro he seemed to like Ground Force, so I decided to try it out. Progress
went fast, I finished||----------------------------
this within a week. Thanks to hours of betatesting by FireSworD and Violet,
who gave lots of   ||1111222211111122221111111111
brilliant suggestions. Took me a while to find the music for this, although
since it was .j2b I||1111222211111122221111111111
had no idea who made it (AstroniaA didnt leave any credits either...).
Nice, big, ground force ||1111222211111122221111111111
level. I planned there to be more crates, but too much lag already (poor
Violet could barely   ||1111222211111122221111111111
withstand it). I wanted the level to have a feel where youre on a magma
planet that gets       ||1111222222222222221111111111
flooded with lava every while, sort of like whatever that jail planet was
named in Chronicles  ||1111222222222222221111111111
of riddick. Looked up "fire" in latin because I didnt have a name, and it
came up with crematoa||1111222211111122221111111111
or something, so thats what I named it.                                    
                            *Inside Your Pillow*                           
Just for fun I began anothet ground force level. I looked for an underused
set, and found this.||1111111111111111111111111111
I wasnt planning to use it (Fluff for thought) but decided to anyways. As
an old joke Trafton  ||1111111111111111111111111111
might still remember, I named it Teddy's fluffy land. After a while I
thought that sounded     ||1111111111111111111111111111
stupid, so I renamed it. Most of it was finished within 2 hours one late
saturday evening (Dec ||1111111111111111111111111111
12 =D). I did what I could with the set. Not my best level, but hey! Use
more underused sets   ||1111122222222222222111111111
people! ;(.                                                                
                               *Blacky's Egypt Race*                       
I wanted this done for my birthday, and would've had it done too if it was
not for my dad who  ||1111111112222221111111111111
needed me to format 500 or so floppies for him (took about 12 hours or so,
4 hours work per    ||1111111112222221111111111111
day). Since I knew I couldnt get this done (loss of inspiration too) it sat
there unworked on. ||1111122222222222222111111111
Was originally planned to be a multirouted nicely eyecandied large race
level with a bunch of  ||1111122222222222222111111111
joke texts, credits/greetz to people and stuff I'd liked to have for my
birthday. Probably my  ||1111111111111111111111111111
first finished level with Egypt. Evily evil set to use, but after 2 years I
got the hang of it ||1111111111111111111111111111
(I hope ;P). Lots of hidden "cookies" in this too, and lots of secrets as
well.                ||1111111111111111111111111111
                              *shock Station*                              
When I made this, I forgot NOKA made another (maybe betteR?) tubelectric
conversion. Was too   ||----------------------------
late anyways though. Just a strategic subpar level, I included it in the
battle bash at # 105  ||  
or  something. Imo, the backround sucks, but I couldnt find anything really
fitting for it, and||
didnt want to use the stupid bricks. Definately not the highlight of the
pack, but I think I   ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBB
started this February 29th or something....yay leap year.                  
                   ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBB    
                   ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  
                                 *Zerox Jailbreak*                         
                   ||    BBBBB    BBBBBBB 
Blur had this contest for a jailbreak (probably died by now), which
inspired me to make a      ||    BBBBB    BBBBBBB
jailbreak level. Now, I didnt want to start a new (If I had I'd probably
have given up on it)  ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
so I thought of a good level of mine to edit. LeMoN NiGhTMaRe...where would
I place the jails? ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBB 
I looked at Zerox, and thought it would be a good level (got me an 8.4) so
I turned it into a  ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
jailbreak. I wanted that if you'd fall in the lava, you'd get warped to
your jail, but that    ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
 would've been too evil/complicated. Had to host this one a lot to get rid
of some major bugs. ||    BBBBB    BBBBBBB
Thanks to Violet and stuff. On a side note, it'll also be ZeRoX's 1 year
anniversarry sometime ||    BBBBB    BBBBBBB
near christmas/new year =D. Stuff goes by fast...Thanks to Rag and Blur for
trigger fixing.    ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
                   ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBBB
                   ||    BBBBBBBBBBBBB
                                 *Cataclysmic Boulevard*                   
Well, this was one of those levels you start on, then quickly stop working
on and abandon, and ||
cant get yourself to start working on this again. I created this level
sometime in may maybe,  ||    RRRRRRRRRRRRR 
and havent worked on it intensly since then. In fact, this was only
finished December 24th, and||    RRRRRRRRRRRRRR
half of it was made then. This level gave me a migraine. Not only could I
not bring myself to  ||    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
finish it until I got a good burst of inspiration, but the music. I played
through all my 1300+||    RRRRR    RRRRRRR 
musics looking for the right one for this level, and the one I found was
1.75 MB. That meant it||    RRRRR     RRRRRRR
worked well in SP, and gave memory errors in multiplayer. I greately
resized the level, and    ||    RRRRR    RRRRRRR
still. I even took out a lot of events (Later they were put back in) such
as the spike balls   ||    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
and the pulze + dim lights. Still no. BlurredD analyzed this a bit. Even
with all the events   ||    RRRRRRRRRRRRRR
removed from the level it still gave memory errors. After a while, Blur
told me I'd have to get||    RRRRRR  RRRRRRR
rid of layer 2, 5 and 7 for it to work. Those were essential levels
(Especially 5 and 7) so I  ||    RRRRR    RRRRRRR
refused. Just for a note, I even used Mod2J2b and it still gave memory
errors. This left me    ||    RRRRR     RRRRRRR
with two choices; pick another music, or edit the current one. I decided to
choose the 2nd     ||    RRRRR      RRRRRRR
option. After a while of getting things to work, I just downsampled some of
the samples (should||    RRRRR       RRRRRRR  
've done that in the first place) and I got it down to about 1.22 MB, and
even less in j2b     ||----------------------------
mode. Finally, it worked. Thanks to Violet for helping me with the
obstacles and giving a lot  ||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
of advice to this level, and thanks for BlurredD for helping me fix the
music problem. I am so ||////////////////////////////
relieved I got this level over with =P.                                    
                         *BONUS*  Two JTTCOC Levels! (+2 Secret Levels)    
Eh. The Project died this August (After over a year of work, so I might as
well release these. ||////////////////////////////
These were made in 2003 (Not going to put 2003 - 2004 for the pack because
these are bonus. You||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
could review these if you want, but they have stupid bugs in them (some of
them) and I could   ||----------------------------
make a lot better. Seems like every singleplayer levels I release are old
crappy ones. heh     ||                       
0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o||/\||   ||/\||    ==
--------------------||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                         FS !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                        LRK !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                         TS !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                        R3P !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                     VIOLET !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    == 
                                        SAL !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                         AE !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                       CELL !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                         TB !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                     STRATN !                              
                   ||/\||   ||/\||    ==
                                        AVK !                              
                                     TRAFTU !                              
                                       BLUR !                              
                   || -  
                                     URJAZZ !                              
                   ||                    -
                                PPL IN [SI] !                              
                   ||           -
                         ANYONE ELSE IN OLC !                              
                   ||  -                 -
                                      WISEY !                              
                   ||      -
                                     HUGELA !                              
                                     DARKER !                              
                   ||                      -
                                       SPOY !                              
                                      SKULL !                              
                   ||         -
                                         WR !                              
                                        RAG !                              
                   ||              -
                                         GP !                              
                                     STRIPE !                              
                          TEH JJ2 COMMUNITY !                              
                   || -
         YOU FOR DOWNLOADING & READING THIS !                          
                                       TUNA !!!                            
Wow. A year goes by so fast. Hopefully 2005 will hold better experiences
and events then 2004 did!)
                                    SPECIAL THX                            
                   ||         -
                                MODARCHIVE.COM (And the trackers there for
some awesome quality||
                                   Modplug & Modplug Tracker           
                          SOME OTHER DUDES WHO DESERVE A SPECIAL THX       
                                           MERRY CHRISTMAS!                
(4am right now, yawn)                                                      
And have a happy new year ;d                                               
(Stay Tuned: A semi-new concept level tested by many, been in the works for
over a year, a huge|| 
Single Player episode with aroun 30 levels. All coming to YOU within the
next year ;D.)        ||
R473 |-||6|-| p|_z.                                                        
Also look for: BRH - Episode 1, The Zerox Factory, Lemon Nightmare, Two
Race Levels, Some CTF  ||
Level, Cave Clash, and Circuit Plug CTF.                                   
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