Downloads containing creeper.s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2+ Only: Super Substructure SyKio Capture the flag 7 Download file
TSF Only: Another Level Pack fearofdark Single player 6.6 Download file

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|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|                              |
|002|    "Point of Departure"      |
|003|                              |
|004|  written for the musicdisk   |
|005|       "Progression"          |
|006|                              |
|007|             by               |
|008|                              |
|009|           Necros             |
|010|  (FM / Legend Design / iCE)  |
|011|                              |
|012|                              |
|013|  Finished in about 15 or     |
|014|  so hours, this song came    |
|015|  to me while watching this   |
|016|  strange show about bullet   |
|017|  trains, and somehow the     |
|018|  thought of movement with-   |
|019|  out sound inspired me to    |
|020|  write this. (I also wanted  |
|021|  to try to make sure I       |
|022|  could still sequence a      |
|023|  decent drum track :>)       |
|024|                              |
|025|                              |
|026|                              |
|027|                              |
|028|   (C) 1995 Necros / FM       |