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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 7 Levels Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file

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CTF Pack

01. Divide And Conquer - BlurredD
It's about time this level made it into a bash, to think its been around
since '03.

02. Happy Canyon CTF - stripe
This level is pretty much a fluke, to be honest :P
Anyway blame CelL, he insisited that it be included in this bash.

03. Lemon Nightmare - Blackraptor
Maybe it's the theme, maybe it's the music, whatever it is; it makes the
very attractive and is a must for this years bash.

04. Medieval Skyscrapers - FireSworD
Pretty much a definite.  It's a rather straightforward level with a nice

05. Religion - CelL
A new level that was seen by only a handful people at the most, it should 
be a level to look forward to playing in the bash.  The atmosphere and
music are awesome!
06. Siege of The Past - SuperJazz
SuperJazz is probably one of the most underappreciated levelmakers in the
jj2 community
currently, it's time to put an end to that.  Siege of the Past is a high
quality CTF level.  I was most 
intrigued with the atmosphere set by the music which matches perfectly with
the chosen tileset.

07. Street Pass #1 - DarkSonic
The first thing about this level that caught my attention was the odd yet
interesting music.  The layout may seem a bit weird, though the music 
as well as the eyecandy set a sort of atmosphere that implies a sort of
Apocalyptic scene...Blah, you'll have to play the level to see what I mean.

08. Quasar Quandary - ChippieBW
This level has been becoming pretty popular lately thanks to R3ptiles
tournament, JJ2WCII.
Because of that, it certainly deserves a place in this years bash.

09. Surfs Up CTF - martin
An oldie.  This level has been enjoyed well in the past.  I'm sure this one
won't just appeal
to thoose of the oldschool.

10. Clipboard Chaos - Snooze
Yet another fun level that has a great atmosphere.  Good luck trying to
figure out 
what is happening in the background.

11. Sacrifice - CelL
...And R3ptile comes to save the day by making a contest that 
helps us obtain new levels.  This level is known mainly for its concept of
the only powerup, the seeker powerup, only once you spawn.

12. 12 Hour Tea - ShadowGpW
This level was added mainly for its weirdness, I guess.  The music is 
epic and reminds you of 24 Hour Coffee (Duh), if you've even played the
13. Apocalyptic Afterworld - MaGoo
It's obvious CelL and I choose levels with a good atmosphere as a major
This one certainly doesn't fail to provide that, however you may
find the music choice annoying at first.

14. Technodus Cargo Station - Ragnarok and Gr33n Pl4nt
Arguably Ragnaroks and Gr33n Pl4nts best effort.  It's a nice CTF level and
it should get some people excited to see more of their work. 

15. Anarchy Inn. - BlurredD
To this day I still complain about the background rain in this level, blah,
This is one of Blur's most creative levels.  How would one expect him to
make a CTF 
level out of a tileset that was meant soley for hotels? anyway, it's simply
a fun, original level
with a great atmosphere.  

16. This level is....cold! COLD!! - EvilMike
The name pretty much describes the level.

17. Bay of Diamonds - ChippieBW
As White rabbit put it in his review on this level, it has "truly horrible
music", that aside,
this level has a few interesting things: The red base being located
underwater as 
well as other small eyecandy based things; check out some of the spring

18. Merry Hypothermia - Enigma
I just can't decide if I like the music or not, feels happy yet sounds
so...well you know what I mean.
Anyway, this level is what it is, the atmosphere promotes a joyous feeling,
with all the carnage involved 
in play.

19. Mort Myre - Labratkid
This level does an awesome, flawless job of putting you into the setting of
a graveyard.
Simply put.

20. Lava Lagoon - Scizor CT
The level just barely made it into this years bash, I think it would
definitly make it 
into next years if it hadn't made it into this one.  Few people seem to
like the 
level, I think most just aren't ready for it yet, I guess.  Anyway, it's a
large level that's 
fun to tear apart because of its "revolutionary" concept.

Battle Pack

01. E. Prime - BlurredD
You're a fool if you didn't expect this level to be included.
Plently of cool looking eyecandy contraptions litter the level. Oh, and
apparently you
are allowed to go in space with the aid of only a fly carrot. ;)  

02. The Corsairs Coast - Blackraptor
I had the urge to ask Blackraptor to create a level for the bash, with
such good timing he'd been working on a battle level which was 90% done
at the time I asked.  It's a pretty level with some nice ideas, check out
the warps at the bottom left and top right.

03. What is this?! - Newspaz
A definite.  Nicely done eyecandy and design.  Some places may involve the 
use of a good strategy for a kill.

04. Rainy Rain Forest - Splash
CelL's choice, and not a bad one.  It really feels
like you're in a rain forest, unlike some nature levels
where there is only, like, one tree, and it qualifies for one. 

05. Lost World, The Battle 2 - Ninja Dodo
Another one of CelL's choices.  Gameplay issues aside, it has a nice theme.

06. Battle Game - Violet CLM
Chocolate Lamp was originally going into the pack, then I realized that
had a newer, better battle level; Unlike most of the other levels in this
the CTF packs, most of the atmosphere comes from the use of the
sound effects instead of relying on the music choice, some of the ambient
sounds are in correlation with the eyecandy in layers 5 and 6, which
provides an
atmosphere I just can't put it into words.
07. _________ - EvilMike
A well known level that was in previous bashes, but now you can finally
hear the weird 
music choice.

08. Garden Brawl - FireSworD
Another definite.  I just hope the level is well understood by now.

09. Even Darker Insomnia - Booshi
CelL's choice, although his was the older version, Darker Insomnia.  I
noticed there was an updated version
of it.  

10. 24 Hour Coffee - Dethman
It's back.
11. Hyperborean Biosphere - Labratkid
If a level ever made it into a bash by music choice alone, this is one of
Man the music here sure does rock, the atmosphere is overall very well
12. Rockingham Gardens - Merlyn
A classic.      

13. RaBBiT ToaST - ShadowGpW
A fun, fast paced level.  It's been decided that some "older" levels
would be involved in this years bash, this is one that is also underplayed.

14. Toasted Territory - Satan
CelL contacted me just recently and told me of this level, he said he only
saw it for a breif
moment and said it looked good.  He wasn't kidding, it's playable and it
really feels
like a hot enviornment when you play the level.

15. silent slayers - martin
An oldie as well as one of CelL's favorites.

16. EvilMikes Evil Fortress - EvilMike
A definite.  This level is well known for its nice eyecandy aspects like
the lightning
that lights up a certain structure when it strikes.  The music choice

17. Blood Lust - White Rabbit
Although the level does not appear to have any sort of design it is 
playable and fun.  The music sets a good mood with the level.

18. Villian Village - Cooba
Kind of a catchy name.  A good level overall
19. Abandoned Robotics Factory - FireSworD
It's hard to write descriptions on a level you made.  I'll just say
the level has a nice sort of creamy look to it.

20. Sandstrand 'O Hazes - Spy
The music got me semi-addicted to this level.  I think, if the
layout were just a little more straightforward we'd be seeing
a lot more of it.

Thanks to CelL who probably did the most work with the levels, to
Blackraptor, everyone
on the JCF, they gave us plently of nice suggestions even though they
showed very
little trust for us...And thanks to the whole JJ2 community!
