Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
OpenJazz source code | Alister | Other | N/A |
* level.c
* Created on the 23rd of August 2005
* Part of the OpenJazz project
* Copyright (c) 2005 Alister Thomson
* OpenJazz is distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Deals with the loading, running and freeing of ordinary levels.
#include "OpenJazz.h"
#include <string.h>
char *sceneFile;
int nPlayers = 1;
int time;
int skyOrb;
int loadSprites (char * fn) {
FILE *f, *mf, *sf;
unsigned char *pixels, *sorted;
int mposition, sposition;
int i, x, y, w, h, m; // VERY VERY BAD VARIABLE NAMES
// But cleaning up this little coding faux-pas would
// take ages.
// Open fn
f = sf = fopenFromPath(fn);
// This function loads all the sprites, not fust those in fn
// Note: Lower case is necessary for Unix support
mf = fopenFromPath("mainchar.000");
// Find where the sprites start in fn
sposition = 2;
sposition += fgetc(f) << 1;
sposition += fgetc(f) << 1;
// Find where the sprites start in mainchar.000
mposition = 2;
// Loop through all the sprites to be loaded
for (i = 0; i < SPRITES; i++) {
// Go to the start of the current sprite or file indicator
fseek(sf, sposition, SEEK_SET);
fseek(mf, mposition, SEEK_SET);
// If both fn and mainchar.000 have file indicators, create a blank sprite
while ((fgetc(sf) == 0xFF) && (fgetc(mf) == 0xFF)) {
// Go to the next sprite/file indicator
fseek(sf, 1, SEEK_CUR);
fseek(mf, 1, SEEK_CUR);
// set the position of the next sprite/file indicators
sposition += 2;
mposition += 2;
// Create a blank sprite
pixels = malloc(1);
*pixels = SKEY;
spriteSet[i] = createSurface(pixels, 1, 1);
SDL_SetColorKey(spriteSet[i], SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SKEY);
// Return to the start of the sprite/file indicators
fseek(sf, sposition, SEEK_SET);
fseek(mf, mposition, SEEK_SET);
// Unless otherwise stated, load from fn
f = sf;
// Check if otherwise stated
if (fgetc(f) == 0xFF) {
f = mf;
} else fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
// Width
w = fgetc(f) << 2;
fseek(f, 1, SEEK_CUR);
// Height
h = fgetc(f);
fseek(f, 1, SEEK_CUR);
// Position of the next sprite or file indicator in each file
if (f == sf) {
mposition += 2;
sposition += 10 + (fgetc(f) << 2);
sposition += fgetc(f) << 10;
} else {
sposition += 2;
mposition += 10 + (fgetc(f) << 2);
mposition += fgetc(f) << 10;
// m is for MAGIC
m = fgetc(f);
// Allocate space for pixel data
pixels = malloc(w * h);
// Allocate space for descrambling
sorted = malloc(w * h);
// Actually, m is for mask offset.
// Sprites can be either masked or not masked.
if (m == 0) {
// Not masked
// Load the pixel data directly for descrambling
fseek(f, 3, SEEK_CUR);
fread(pixels, w, h, f);
} else {
// Masked
// Load the pixel data according to the mask
fseek(f, 1, SEEK_CUR);
// Masked sprites have their own next sprite offsets
if (f == sf) {
sposition = fgetc(f) << 2;
sposition += fgetc(f) << 10;
} else {
mposition = fgetc(f) << 2;
mposition += fgetc(f) << 10;
// Skip to mask
fseek(f, m, SEEK_CUR);
// Read the mask
// Each mask pixel is either 0 or 1
// Four pixels are packed into the lower end of each byte
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if ((x & 3) == 0) m = fgetc(f);
pixels[(y * w) + x] = (m >> (x & 3)) & 1;
// Pixels are loaded if the corresponding mask pixel is 1, otherwise the
// transparent index is used. Pixels are scrambled, so the mask has to be
// scrambled the same way.
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
sorted[(((y >> 2) + ((x & 3) * (h >> 2))) * w) + (x >> 2) + (((y & 3) + ((h & 3) * (x & 3))) * (w >> 2))] = pixels[(y * w) + x];
// Skip to pixels
fseek(f, (w / 4), SEEK_CUR);
// Next sprite offsets are relative to here
if (f == sf) sposition += ftell(f);
else mposition += ftell(f);
// Read pixels according to the scrambled mask
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
if (sorted[(y * w) + x] == 1) {
// The unmasked portions are transparent, so no masked portion
// should be transparent.
m = SKEY;
while (m == SKEY) m = fgetc(f);
// Use the acceptable pixel
pixels[(y * w) + x] = m;
} else pixels[(y * w) + x] = SKEY; // Use the transparent pixel
// Rearrange pixels in correct order
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
sorted[(y * w) + x] = pixels[(((y >> 2) + ((x & 3) * (h >> 2))) * w) + (x >> 2) + (((y & 3) + ((h & 3) * (x & 3))) * (w >> 2))];
// Convert the sprite to an SDL surface
spriteSet[i] = createSurface(sorted, w, h);
SDL_SetColorKey(spriteSet[i], SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SKEY);
// Free redundant data
// Check if the next sprite exists
// If not, create blank sprites for the remainder
fseek(sf, sposition, SEEK_SET);
if (fgetc(sf) == -1) {
for (i++; i < SPRITES; i++) {
pixels = malloc(1);
*pixels = SKEY;
spriteSet[i] = createSurface(pixels, 1, 1);
SDL_SetColorKey(spriteSet[i], SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SKEY);
return CONTINUE;
int loadTiles (char * fn) {
FILE *f;
unsigned char *buffer;
int rle, pos, index, count;
int nTiles;
f = fopenFromPath(fn);
// Load the palette
buffer = loadRLE(f, 768);
for (count = 0; count < 256; count++) {
// Palette entries are 6-bit
// Shift them upwards to 8-bit, and fill in the lower 2 bits
realPalette[count].r = (buffer[count * 3] << 2) +
(buffer[count * 3] >> 6);
realPalette[count].g = (buffer[(count * 3) + 1] << 2) +
(buffer[(count * 3) + 1] >> 6);
realPalette[count].b = (buffer[(count * 3) + 2] << 2) +
(buffer[(count * 3) + 2] >> 6);
// Apply the palette to surfaces that already exist, e.g. fonts
// Load the background palette
buffer = loadRLE(f, 765);
for (count = 0; count < 255; count++) {
// Palette entries are 6-bit
// Shift them upwards to 8-bit, and fill in the lower 2 bits
bgPalette[count].r = (buffer[count * 3] << 2) +
(buffer[count * 3] >> 6);
bgPalette[count].g = (buffer[(count * 3) + 1] << 2) +
(buffer[(count * 3) + 1] >> 6);
bgPalette[count].b = (buffer[(count * 3) + 2] << 2) +
(buffer[(count * 3) + 2] >> 6);
// Skip the second, identical, background palette
// Load the tile pixel indices
nTiles = 240; // Never more than 240 tiles
buffer = malloc(nTiles * TW * TH);
fseek(f, 4, SEEK_CUR);
pos = 0;
// Read the RLE pixels
// loadRLE() cannot be used, for reasons that will become clear
while (pos < TW * TH * nTiles) {
rle = fgetc(f);
if (rle >= 128) {
index = fgetc(f);
for (count = 0; count < (rle & 127); count++) buffer[pos++] = index;
} else if (rle >= 1) {
for (count = 0; count < rle; count++) buffer[pos++] = fgetc(f);
} else if (rle == 0) { // This happens at the end of each tile
// 0 pixels means 1 pixel, apparently
buffer[pos++] = fgetc(f);
fseek(f, 2, SEEK_CUR); // I assume this is the length of the next tile
// block
if (pos == TW * TH * 60) fseek(f, 2, SEEK_CUR); // Maybe these say
if (pos == TW * TH * 120) fseek(f, 2, SEEK_CUR); // whether or not there
if (pos == TW * TH * 180) fseek(f, 2, SEEK_CUR); // are any more tiles
} else break; // Probably the end of the file
// Work out how many tiles were actually loaded
// Should be a multiple of 60
nTiles = pos / (TW * TH);
tileSet = createSurface(buffer, TW, TH * nTiles);
return nTiles;
int loadLevel (char * fn) {
FILE *f;
unsigned char *buffer;
paletteEffect *pe;
unsigned char nTiles;
int count, x, y;
f = fopenFromPath(fn);
if (strncasecmp(fn + 6, ".j1l", 4) == 0) {
// Load level data from a *.j1l file
// j1l files will be the same as normal level files, but will have full
// file names for tilesets, etc.
} else {
// Load level data from an original Level#.### file
char *subFN;
subFN = malloc(12);
// Load tile set from corresponding blocks.###
// Note: Lower case is required for Unix support
// Boss levels are special cases
if (world == 18) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.002");
else if (world == 19) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.005");
else if (world == 20) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.008");
else if (world == 21) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.011");
else if (world == 22) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.014");
else if (world == 39) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.032");
else if (world == 40) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.035");
else if (world == 41) nTiles = loadTiles("blocks.038");
else {
// Construct and use file name for non-boss levels
sprintf(subFN, "blocks.%3s", fn + 7);
nTiles = loadTiles(subFN);
// Feline says this byte gives the correct tileset extension. All I get is
// the level extension.
fseek(f, -15, SEEK_END);
x = fgetc(f) ^ 4;
// Load sprite set from corresponding Sprites.###
// Note: Lower case is required for Unix support
sprintf(subFN, "sprites.%3s", fn + 7);
loadSprites(subFN), free(subFN);
// Skip to tile and event reference data
fseek(f, 39, SEEK_SET);
// Load tile and event references
buffer = loadRLE(f, LW * LH * 2);
// Create grid from data
for (x = 0; x < LW; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < LH; y++) {
grid[y][x].tile = buffer[(y + (x * LH)) << 1];
grid[y][x].bg = buffer[((y + (x * LH)) << 1) + 1] >> 7;
grid[y][x].event = buffer[((y + (x * LH)) << 1) + 1] & 127;
// A mysterious block of mystery
// Load mask data
buffer = loadRLE(f, nTiles * 8);
// Unpack bits
for (count = 0; count < nTiles; count++) {
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
mask[count][(y << 3) + x] = (buffer[(count << 3) + y] >> x) & 1;
/* Uncomment the code below if you want to see the mask instead of the tile
graphics during gameplay */
/* if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(tileSet)) SDL_LockSurface(tileSet);
for (pos = 0; pos < nTiles; pos++) {
for (y = 0; y < TH; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < TW; x++) {
if (mask[pos][((y / 4) * 8) + (x / 4)] == 1)
((char *)(tileSet->pixels))[(pos * 32 * 32) + (y * 32) + x] = 88;
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(tileSet)) SDL_UnlockSurface(tileSet);*/
// More magical mystery data
// Load event set
buffer = loadRLE(f, EVENTS * ELENGTH);
for (count = 0; count < EVENTS; count++) {
for (x = 0; x < ELENGTH; x++)
eventSet[count][x] = buffer[(count * ELENGTH) + x];
// Eliminate event references for events of too high a difficulty
for (x = 0; x < LW; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < LH; y++) {
if (eventSet[grid[y][x].event][E_DIFFICULTY] > difficulty)
grid[y][x].event = 0;
// Yet more doubtless essential data
// Load animation set
buffer = loadRLE(f, ANIMS * 64);
// Create animation set based on that data
for (count = 0; count < ANIMS; count++) {
animSet[count].frames = buffer[(count * 64) + 6];
for (y = 0; y < animSet[count].frames; y++) {
// Get frame
x = buffer[(count * 64) + 7 + y];
animSet[count].sprites[y] = spriteSet[x];
// Get vertical offset
animSet[count].y[y] = buffer[(count * 64) + 45 + y];
// At general data
// There's a a whole load of unknown data around here
// Like another one of those pesky RLE blocks
// And 505 bytes of DOOM
fseek(f, 505, SEEK_CUR);
// Music file
x = fgetc(f);
buffer = malloc(x + 1);
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) buffer[y] = fgetc(f);
buffer[x] = 0;
loadMusic(buffer); // It's not as if this even does anything yet
// 25 bytes of undiscovered usefulness, less the music file name
fseek(f, 25 - x, SEEK_CUR);
x = fgetc(f);
if (x == 0) x = 9;
sceneFile = malloc(x + 1);
for (y = 0; y < x; y++) sceneFile[y] = fgetc(f);
sceneFile[x] = 0;
// 51 bytes of undiscovered usefulness, less the cutscene file name
fseek(f, 51 - x, SEEK_CUR);
// Finally, some data I know how to use!
// First up, the player's coordinates
// These are grid coordiantes, so they must be shifted into real coordinates
players[0].x = fgetc(f) << 5;
players[0].x += fgetc(f) << 13;
players[0].y = fgetc(f) << 5;
players[0].y += fgetc(f) << 13;
// Next level
nextlevel = fgetc(f);
nextworld = fgetc(f);
// Thanks to Feline and the JCS94 team for the next bits:
// 9 more bytes left in "Section 14"
fseek(f, 9, SEEK_CUR);
// Now at "Section 15"
// Load player's animation set references
buffer = loadRLE(f, PANIMS * 2);
for (count = 0; count < PANIMS; count++)
players[0].anims[count] = buffer[count << 1];
// Now at "Section 16"
// Skip to "Section 17" - .atk
fseek(f, 4, SEEK_CUR);
// And skip it
// Now at "Section 18." More skippability.
// Now at "Section 19," THE MAGIC SECTION
// First byte should be the bg mode
switch (fgetc(f)) {
case 2:
// Sky background effect
bgPE = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
bgPE->next = NULL;
bgPE->first = 156;
bgPE->amount = 100;
bgPE->type = PE_SKY;
bgPE->speed = 0.5;
bgPE->position = 0.0;
case 8:
// Parallaxing background effect
bgPE = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
bgPE->next = NULL;
bgPE->first = 128;
bgPE->amount = 64;
bgPE->type = PE_2D;
bgPE->speed = 0.125;
bgPE->position = 0.0;
case 9:
// Diagonal stripes "parallaxing" background effect
bgPE = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
bgPE->next = NULL;
bgPE->first = 128;
bgPE->amount = 32;
bgPE->type = PE_1D;
bgPE->speed = 0.5;
bgPE->position = 0.0;
// No effect, but bgPE must exist so here is a dummy animation
bgPE = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
bgPE->next = NULL;
bgPE->first = 255;
bgPE->amount = 1;
bgPE->type = PE_ROTATE;
bgPE->speed = 1.0;
bgPE->position = 0.0;
fseek(f, 1, SEEK_CUR);
skyOrb = fgetc(f); // A.k.a the sun, the moon, the brightest star, that red
// planet with blue veins...
// And that's us done!
// Palette animations
// These are applied to every level without a conflicting background effect
// As a result, there are a few levels with things animated that shouldn't be
// In Diamondus: The red/yellow palette animation
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = bgPE;
pe->first = 112;
pe->amount = 4;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = 32.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
// In Diamondus: The waterfall palette animation
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 116;
pe->amount = 8;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = 16.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
// The following were discoverd by Unknown/Violet
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 124;
pe->amount = 3;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = 16.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
if ((bgPE->type != PE_1D) && (bgPE->type != PE_2D)) {
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 132;
pe->amount = 8;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = 16.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
if ((bgPE->type != PE_SKY) && (bgPE->type != PE_2D)) {
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 160;
pe->amount = 32;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = -16.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
if (bgPE->type != PE_SKY) {
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 192;
pe->amount = 32;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = -32.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
pe = malloc(sizeof(paletteEffect));
pe->next = firstPE;
pe->first = 224;
pe->amount = 16;
pe->type = PE_ROTATE;
pe->speed = 16.0;
pe->position = 0.0;
firstPE = pe;
// some intital values for the player
players[0].jumpStart = 0;
players[0].walkStart = 0;
players[0].facing = 1;
players[0].energy = 4;
players[0].energyBar = 0;
// Set the time at which the level will end
time = SDL_GetTicks() + ((5 - difficulty) * 2 * 60 * 1000);
return CONTINUE;
int loadNextLevel () {
FILE *f;
char *fn;
int count;
fn = malloc(11);
if (nextlevel == 99) {
// End of episode
// Tell our makeshift menu which level to go for next
if (world == 18) nextworld = 3;
if (world == 19) nextworld = 6;
if (world == 20) nextworld = 9;
if (world == 21) nextworld = 12;
if (world == 22) nextworld = 15;
if (world == 23) nextworld = 30;
if (world == 39) nextworld = 33;
if (world == 40) nextworld = 36;
if (world == 41) nextworld = 50;
if (world == 51) nextworld = 0; // Holiday Hare
if (world == 52) nextworld = 0; // Christmas Edition
nextlevel = 0;
// Tell levelLoop to return to the menu
return RETURN;
} else {
world = nextworld;
level = nextlevel;
// Load whichever level nextlevel and nextworld refer to
sprintf(fn, "level%1d.%03d", level, world);
f = fopenFromPath(fn);
// If that didn't work, scan for level
for (count = 0; (count < 156) && (f == NULL); count++) {
if (level >= 2) {
if (world == 53) world = 0;
level = 0;
} else level++;
if (count == 30) {
world = 50;
level = 0;
sprintf(fn, "level%1d.%03d", level, world);
f = fopenFromPath(fn);
if (f != NULL) {
// if the scan was successful
count = loadLevel(fn);
} else {
// if the scan was unsuccessful
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find any levels in %s\n", path);
return RETURN;
// Return the return value from loadLevel()
return count;
int loadMacro (char * fn) {
// To do
return -1;
void freeLevel (void) {
paletteEffect *pe;
int count;
// Free the palette effects
while(firstPE != NULL) {
pe = firstPE->next;
firstPE = pe;
// Free the tile set
// Free the sprites, remembering to include the last blank one
for (count = 0; count < SPRITES; count++) SDL_FreeSurface(spriteSet[count]);
// Free the cutscene file name
int checkMask (int x, int y) {
// Anything off the edge of the map is solid
if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x > LW * TW) || (y > LH * TH)) return 1;
// If the player is going upwards through one-way scenery, pretend it is not
// solid
if ((players[0].rising != 0) && (grid[y >> 5][x >> 5].event) == 122) return 0;
// Check the mask in the tile in question
return mask[grid[y >> 5][x >> 5].tile]
[(((y & 31) >> 2) << 3) + ((x & 31) >> 2)];
void processEvent (int x, int y, int frame) {
SDL_Rect dst;
gridElement *ge;
unsigned char *event;
// To do: A whole lot
// Get the grid element at the given coordinates
ge = grid[y + ((int)players[0].viewY >> 5)] + x +
((int)players[0].viewX >> 5);
// Get the event used by the grid element
event = eventSet[ge->event];
switch (ge->event) {
case 0: // No event
case 122: // One-way
case 123: // Foreground
case 124: // Foreground
case 125: // Foreground
case 126: // ...Something
// What follows is BRIMMING WITH EVIL
// Find the horizontal position at which to draw the event
dst.x = (x << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewX & 31);
// Decide whether to use the left or the right animation, based on whether
// the player is to the left or to the right of the event
if (players[0].x < ((x + ((int)players[0].viewX >> 5)) << 5)) {
// Ensure that the animation reference is valid
if ((event[E_LEFTANIM] > 0) && (event[E_LEFTANIM] < ANIMS) ) {
// Find the vertical position at which to draw the event
dst.y = animSet[event[E_LEFTANIM]].
y[frame % animSet[event[E_LEFTANIM]].frames]
- animSet[event[E_LEFTANIM]].
sprites[frame % animSet[event[E_LEFTANIM]].frames]->h
+ ((y + 1) << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewY & 31);
// Draw the event
sprites[frame % animSet[event[E_LEFTANIM]].frames],
NULL, screen, &dst);
} else {
// Ensure that the animation reference is valid
if ((event[E_RIGHTANIM] > 0) && (event[E_RIGHTANIM] < ANIMS) ) {
// Find the vertical position at which to draw the event
dst.y = animSet[event[E_RIGHTANIM]].
y[frame % animSet[event[E_RIGHTANIM]].frames]
- animSet[event[E_RIGHTANIM]].
sprites[frame % animSet[event[E_RIGHTANIM]].frames]->h
+ ((y + 1) << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewY & 31);
// Draw the event
sprites[frame % animSet[event[E_RIGHTANIM]].frames],
NULL, screen, &dst);
void levelLoop (void) {
gridElement *ge;
SDL_Rect src, dst;
float dx, dy;
int x, y, ticks, frame;
float smoothfps;
// To do: Authentic physics, macro handling, other stuff
// Arbitrary initial value
smoothfps = 50.0f;
while (1) {
// Do general processing
DORETURN(loop(), freeLevel();)
if (fps) {
smoothfps = smoothfps + 1 - (smoothfps / fps);
/* This eqaution is a simplified version of
(fps * c) + (smoothfps * (1 - c))
where c = (1 / fps)
In other words, the response of smoothFPS to changes in FPS
decreases as the framerate increases
The following version is for c = (1 / smoothfps)
// smoothfps = (fps / smoothfps) + smoothfps - 1;
I bet about a week after I came up with this, I'll find out that it's
been around for years. */
// Ignore outlandish values
if (smoothfps > 999) smoothfps = 999;
if (smoothfps < 1) smoothfps = 1;
// Cheaper than calling SDL_GetTicks() whenever the time is needed
ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
// The current frame for animations
frame = ticks / 75;
// Physics
// Determine the player's motion
if (keys[K_LEFT].state == SDL_PRESSED) {
if ((players[0].walkStart == 0) || (players[0].facing == 1))
players[0].walkStart = ticks;
players[0].facing = 0;
if ((keys[K_LEFT].state == SDL_RELEASED) && (players[0].facing == 0)) {
players[0].walkStart = 0;
if (keys[K_RIGHT].state == SDL_PRESSED) {
if ((players[0].walkStart == 0) || (players[0].facing == 0))
players[0].walkStart = ticks;
players[0].facing = 1;
if ((keys[K_RIGHT].state == SDL_RELEASED) && (players[0].facing == 1)) {
players[0].walkStart = 0;
if ((keys[K_JUMP].state == SDL_PRESSED) &&
(checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 33) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 33) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 33) ) &&
!checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y - 1) &&
(players[0].jumpStart == 0) && (players[0].rising == 0)) {
players[0].jumpStart = ticks;
if ((players[0].walkStart) &&
(players[0].jumpStart - players[0].walkStart > WALKTIME))
players[0].rising = 2;
else players[0].rising = 1;
if ((keys[K_JUMP].state == SDL_RELEASED)
|| checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 11)
|| (ticks - players[0].jumpStart > JUMPTIME)) {
if (players[0].jumpStart) {
players[0].walkStart = 0;
players[0].jumpStart = 0;
if (players[0].rising <= 2) players[0].rising = 0;
// Calculate the player's trajectory
if (players[0].rising > 0) dy = spf * PS_JUMP;
else dy = spf * PS_FALL;
if (players[0].walkStart > 0) {
if (players[0].facing == 0) {
if (ticks - players[0].walkStart > WALKTIME) dx = spf * -PS_RUN;
else dx = spf * -PS_WALK;
} else {
if (ticks - players[0].walkStart > WALKTIME) dx = spf * PS_RUN;
else dx = spf * PS_WALK;
} else dx = 0;
// Apply as much of that trajectory as possible, without going into the
// scenery
x = (int)dx;
y = (int)dy;
// First for the vertical component of the trajectory
while (y > 0) {
if (checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 33) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 33) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 33) ) break;
while (y < 0) {
if (checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 11)) break;
dy -= (int)dy;
if (((dy > 0) &&
!(checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 32 + dy) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 32 + dy) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 32 + dy) )) ||
((dy < 0) && !checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 12 + dy)))
players[0].y += dy;
// Then for the horizontal component of the trajectory
while (x < 0) {
if (checkMask(players[0].x + 5, players[0].y + 13)) break;
while (x > 0) {
if (checkMask(players[0].x + 27, players[0].y + 13)) break;
dx -= (int)dx;
if (((dx < 0) && !checkMask(players[0].x + 6 + dx, players[0].y + 13)) ||
((dx > 0) && !checkMask(players[0].x + 26 + dx, players[0].y + 13)) )
players[0].x += dx;
// Push the player upwards if on an uphill slope
while (checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 32)) players[0].y--;
// Choose animation
if (players[0].rising == 0) {
if (checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 36) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 36) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 36) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 44) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 16, players[0].y + 44) ||
checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 44) ) {
if (players[0].walkStart) {
if (ticks - players[0].walkStart > WALKTIME)
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LRUN + players[0].facing];
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LWALK + players[0].facing];
} else {
if (!checkMask(players[0].x + 12, players[0].y + 44) &&
!checkMask(players[0].x + 8, players[0].y + 40))
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LEDGE];
else if (!checkMask(players[0].x + 20, players[0].y + 44) &&
!checkMask(players[0].x + 24, players[0].y + 40))
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_REDGE];
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LSTAND + players[0].facing];
} else players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LFALL + players[0].facing];
} else if (players[0].rising == 1)
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LJUMP + players[0].facing];
else if (players[0].rising == 2)
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LSPIN + players[0].facing];
else if (players[0].rising > 2)
players[0].anim = players[0].anims[PA_LSPRING + players[0].facing];
// Calculate viewport dimensions
// Can we can see below the panel?
if (players[0].viewW > panel->w) players[0].viewH = screenH;
else players[0].viewH = screenH - 33;
players[0].viewW = screenW;
players[0].viewX = players[0].x + 8 - (players[0].viewW / 2);
players[0].viewY = players[0].y + 8 - (players[0].viewH / 2);
if (players[0].viewX < 0) players[0].viewX = 0;
if (players[0].viewX + players[0].viewW >= LW * TW)
players[0].viewX = (LW * TW) - players[0].viewW;
if (players[0].viewY < 0) players[0].viewY = 0;
if (players[0].viewY + players[0].viewH >= LH * TH)
players[0].viewY = (LH * TH) - players[0].viewH;
// Set tile drawing dimensions
src.w = TW;
src.h = TH;
src.x = 0;
// If there is a sky, draw it
if (bgPE->type == PE_SKY) {
dst.x = 0;
dst.w = screenW;
dst.h = bgScale;
dst.y = 0;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, 156);
for (y = ((int)(players[0].viewY) % bgScale);
y < players[0].viewH; y += bgScale ) {
dst.y = y;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, 157 + (y / bgScale));
// Assign the correct portion of the sky palette
bgPE->position = players[0].viewY + (players[0].viewH / 2) - 4;
// Show sun / moon / etc.
if (skyOrb) {
dst.x = players[0].viewW * 0.8f;
dst.y = players[0].viewH * 0.12f;
src.y = skyOrb << 5;
SDL_BlitSurface(tileSet, &src, screen, &dst);
} else {
// If there is no sky, draw a blank background
// This is only very occasionally actually visible
SDL_FillRect(screen, NULL, 127);
// Tell the diagonal lines background where it should be
if (bgPE->type == PE_1D) {
bgPE->position = players[0].viewX + players[0].viewY;
// Tell the parallaxing background where it should be
if (bgPE->type == PE_2D) {
((short int *)&(bgPE->position))[0] = players[0].viewX;
((short int *)&(bgPE->position))[1] = players[0].viewY;
// Show background tiles
for (y = 0; y <= ((players[0].viewH - 1) >> 5) + 1; y++) {
for (x = 0; x <= ((players[0].viewW - 1) >> 5) + 1; x++) {
// Get the grid element from the given coordinates
ge = grid[y + ((int)players[0].viewY >> 5)] + x +
((int)players[0].viewX >> 5);
// If this tile uses a black background, draw it
if (ge->bg) {
dst.x = (x << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewX & 31);
dst.y = (y << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewY & 31);
dst.w = dst.h = TW;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, 31);
// If this is not a foreground tile, draw it
if ((ge->event < 123) || (ge->event > 125)) {
dst.x = (x << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewX & 31);
dst.y = (y << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewY & 31);
src.y = ge->tile << 5;
SDL_BlitSurface(tileSet, &src, screen, &dst);
// Show events
for (y = 0; y <= ((players[0].viewH - 1) >> 5) + 1; y++) {
for (x = 0; x <= ((players[0].viewW - 1) >> 5) + 1; x++)
processEvent(x, y, frame);
// Show the player
dst.x = players[0].x - players[0].viewX;
dst.y = players[0].y + 35 - animSet[players[0].anim].sprites[frame %
- players[0].viewY;
SDL_BlitSurface(animSet[players[0].anim].sprites[frame %
animSet[players[0].anim].frames], NULL, screen, &dst);
// Show foreground tiles
for (y = 0; y <= ((players[0].viewH - 1) >> 5) + 1; y++) {
for (x = 0; x <= ((players[0].viewW - 1) >> 5) + 1; x++) {
// Get the grid element from the given coordinates
ge = grid[y + ((int)players[0].viewY >> 5)] + x +
((int)players[0].viewX >> 5);
// If this is a foreground tile, draw it
if ((ge->event >= 123) && (ge->event <= 125)) {
dst.x = (x << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewX & 31);
dst.y = (y << 5) - ((int)players[0].viewY & 31);
src.y = ge->tile << 5;
SDL_BlitSurface(tileSet, &src, screen, &dst);
// The panel
// Design decision: When the width of the player's viewport is greater than
// 320, the panel will not fill up the whole space. I decided that as the
// game used the latin alphabet, and the latin alphabet is read from the
// left, then the panel should appear to the left. Another option would have
// been to have it in the centre, but this would obscure Jazz when he was at
// the bottom of the level. As it is, Jazz is still obscured at viewport
// widths between 321 and 672. A new approach may be needed, e.g. splitting
// the panel down the middle.
// Show panel
if (players[0].viewW <= 320) players[0].viewH += 33;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = players[0].viewH - 33;
SDL_BlitSurface(panel, NULL, screen, &dst);
dst.y += 32;
dst.w = 320;
dst.h = 1;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, 31);
// Show panel data
// Show score
showNumber(players[0].score++, 84, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelSmallFont);
// Show time remaining
x = time - ticks;
y = x / (60 * 1000);
showNumber(y, 116, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelSmallFont);
x -= (y * 60 * 1000);
y = x / 1000;
showNumber(y, 136, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelSmallFont);
x -= (y * 1000);
y = x / 100;
showNumber(y, 148, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelSmallFont);
// Show lives
showNumber(players[0].lives, 124, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
// Show planet number
if (world <= 41) // Main game levels
showNumber((world % 3) + 1, 184, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
else if ((world >= 50) && (world <= 52)) // Christmas levels
showNumber(world - 49, 184, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
else // New levels
showNumber(world, 184, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
// Show level number
showNumber(level + 1, 196, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
// Show ammo
// Temp: At the moment, just show infinity
showString(":;", 224, players[0].viewH - 13, &panelSmallFont);
// Temp: FPS, screen resolution, displayed in the ammo type box
showString("FPS", 252, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelBigFont);
showNumber((short int)smoothfps, 308, players[0].viewH - 27, &panelBigFont);
showNumber(screenW, 276, players[0].viewH - 15, &panelBigFont);
showNumber(screenH, 308, players[0].viewH - 15, &panelBigFont);
// Draw the health bar
dst.x = 20;
dst.y = players[0].viewH - 13;
dst.h = 7;
// For testing:
players[0].energy = 4 - (((ticks + (10 * 60 * 1000) - time) / 4000) % 5);
if ((int)(players[0].energyBar) < (players[0].energy << 4)) {
if ((players[0].energy << 4) - players[0].energyBar < spf * 64)
players[0].energyBar = players[0].energy << 4;
else players[0].energyBar += spf * 64;
} else if ((int)(players[0].energyBar) > (players[0].energy << 4)) {
if (players[0].energyBar - (players[0].energy << 4) < spf * 64)
players[0].energyBar = players[0].energy << 4;
else players[0].energyBar -= spf * 64;
if (players[0].energyBar > 1) {
dst.w = players[0].energyBar - 1;
// Choose energy bar colour
if (players[0].energy == 4) x = 24;
if (players[0].energy == 3) x = 17;
if (players[0].energy == 2) x = 80;
if (players[0].energy <= 1) x = 32 + ((frame * 4) & 15);
// Draw energy bar
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, x);
dst.x += dst.w;
dst.w = 64 - dst.w;
} else dst.w = 64;
// Fill in remaining energy bar space with black
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dst, 31);
// Temp: Can skip to the next level by pressing the spacebar
if ((ticks > time) || (keys[K_FIRE].state == SDL_PRESSED)) {
keys[K_FIRE].state = SDL_RELEASED;
if (nextlevel == 99)
DORETURN(loadScene(sceneFile), freeLevel();)
if (nextlevel == 99)
DORETURN(loadNextLevel(), )
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.