Downloads containing vodka.txt

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Race for the vodkaFeatured Download Blackraptor Race 8.2 Download file

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----------------------------------------Race for the

                        @@@@@@@@@       @@@@             @@@@@@@ 
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                        @@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@   

Copyright mostly 2005 or something1!!! (2005-2006) (c)!

--------------------------------------History of the

Level was made for AvK a while ago, started out as a joke. I slacked off
making it and AvK kept on nagging me to finish it throughout the months.
After a few months it still wasn't done and AvK didn't nag me anymore about
it. I felt bad, so I finished it for him. I was planning to make this
longer but then changed my mind, it's good enough as it is. Made in the age
of the Cossacks and the Vodka and the Borscht or something, and UKRAINE!!


---------------------------------------Other important

I was going to put this in a pack with another race level which was going
sorta well (only the start was finished but it looked promising). I gave up
on the level for a while (and on most other jcs projects too) and when
finally I restarted it just a bit ago, JCS kept crashing my computer. The
second time my computer self restarted, the file somehow got corrupt. I
have no idea WHY my computer always crashes when I'm running JJ2 or JCS but
it just does, and its annoying as hell. So yeah, instead of being in a pack
this gets to be released solo now. Just an ordinary race level with a few
secrets if you feel bored and want to do other stuff than racing in this.
This is probably the only time I'm ever gonna use Dreempipes ;D

Note: This level was finished a long while ago. It's release was just
delayed by the other race level which I was slacking off on and which
recently became corrupt (maybe if I showed the other level to anyone they
may have a working copy lying around?), so I just decided to release it
right now.

----------------------------------------Enjoy, and take it easy on the