YOUR lyrics @


Link details

Added by
Electric Ir
Site URL
Date added
August 05, 2003


Your lyrics!

(URL notation. The lyrics on this URL may contain language that is offensive to some. -Trafton)


Electric Ir on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

Since Trafton edited my post, I want to add something to that. The website contains lyrics of many artists and I am not responsible for the content of these lyrics. All lyrics are © their respective owners.

Electric Ir on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

Yeah, now that our number of visitors is increasing, we will do that. It now includes songs from the very beginning of, which, ofcourse, isn’t really representative. Thanks for your positive feedback about the website. Ofcourse the database is still growing; we have over 25,000 lyrics.

Stijn on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.0

Site and layout have rox! I hope the database is still growing, but it’s nice. The “top 10” has no real use since an older popular song automatically gets more hits than recent ones, so I would suggest resetting it once a month or something, but it’s nice neverthless.

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