Haze's Hideout


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Date added
January 04, 2001


Starting out as a level-support site a long time ago, the site has become much more than that yet retaining that personal touch.
Offering heaps of information, patches and trivia, “Haze’s Hideout” is a site to stay and will hopefully earn itself an entry amongst your bookmarks.

main: http://www.dutchfurs.com/~haze/
alt: http://jazz3d.cjb.net/


Genotoxin aka iCeD on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.0

Awesome layout, awesome downloads, awesome features, awesome site.

Inspired from my download recommendations in the downloads, I now give you: The visit recommendation! :-)

aiko on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.0

“Haze’s Hideout” is one of the best Jazz2 sites around. The content is well written and provides a lot of interesting facts. It has a great download section, where you can find SW and Demo versions of the JJ games and all kinds of utilities and useful programs to Jazz up your existance as a J2 fanatic.
Fortunately, the author really knows what quality is (he even announces oldskoolish stuff like releases of Hugi etc.) and cares about the site a lot. The look and interface of the whole site is very cool, too.
Definitely a MUST ViSIT for EVERYONE.

ShadowGPW on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.0

Love the new layout =)

Stuff that you can’t find anywhere else..
-:Like the hazeshop =)
-:JJGB fake music =)
and mucho more..

love it

Stijn on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.0

-Cool Downlaods
-Cool Layout
-Cool Contents
-Cool Stuff
-Overall Cool

ViSiT NoW!

JazzyR on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.5

One of the best Jazz Sites!!! I MUST visit it everyday!!! :p There are the best Downoads the best News and the best stuff!!!!!

Black Energy on August 01, 1994 04:00 N/A

I like this site. It is better than the site I´m now writing this review on.

(Rating removal. -Trafton)

BúññyÉlmérTšb on August 01, 1994 04:00 9.0

Very good website!

DoubleGJ on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.7

So what that the site-manager is nutz? To make such fun and wacky things like JJGB music or tips how to play with Jazz characters in One Must Fall (yay!), ya have to be nutz, but way cool nutz!

THe site is just awesome! It looks fun, and the way Haze looks in rabbit form is nice 2.

And the downloads are way fun! I recommend ya all to check the GameBoy JJ music version!

So, everybody should visit this page, just to see it!

Elliot on August 01, 1994 04:00 8.5

As said by JazzyR:

“One of the best Jazz Sites!!! I MUST visit it everyday!!! :p There are the best Downoads the best News and the best stuff!!!!!”

How bad. I pefer the JJ2 icons, and sounds, and the (Sorta) messase board.
That gives a +5.5.
This is a SITE! It has stuff! +4.6
Bad layout. -1.5

~*(Darker)*~ on August 01, 1994 04:00 7.7

Good layout, but could be a little better.. info and files are great and navigation is good.

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