Tis the Season...

12 Jan 2001 at 19:21

Hey everyone! I’m actually posting some news! Yeah, I know, I’m sorry for not being able to do much for the site since I started it out… The reason is that I’ve been very busy with another site I work on, Cinemenium.com. The way things are going right now, I have to focus some time on the site before I could really do anything else. In order to finish with a major part of it and have time for Jazz2 stuff, I need some help from some PHP programmers on there that also know how to use MySQL. So if there is anyone out there, please let me know by replying to this message or e-mailing me at cinemenium@gottoseeit.com!


Hmm… now what was I gonna say… Oh yeah…

The holiday season is here, and some guys who have chosen to remain anonymous at this time, have a few gifts coming to the Jazz2Community this year! We can’t post what it is yet, but from what I’ve heard… Well, let’s just wait and see! :)

Plus, Pennywise is planning to release a new XJJ2 out soon!

So stay tuned as we have more info on these holiday festivities and feel free to post your comments on cool holiday ideas too!

- graphixJJF


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