New host

20 Oct 2001 at 16:44

We’ve moved to our new server. I’m sorry for the slow speed, but there’s something wrong with our domain registrar(the company that makes typing work)

I thank Nebula again, for his huge help in moving us. He really did a lot of the work. Give him a few cheers.

Bobby should also be thanked for paying for our new server, and registering our it for us. And I want to thank Onag for one year of hosting on nagcentral. Even after most of his sites were down he continued to pay for the server, so our community wouldn’t cease to exist. Cheers for Nebula, Onag and Bobby. :)

There are probably some bugs. If you encounter an error, please report it. We can’t fix the errors if we don’t know where they are. :P

- Fquist


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