New level making contest!

23 Jan 2003 at 23:54

Source: JCF
A new CTF level making contest has been started up by BlurredD. Here are some details copied directly from the forum post. If you want to read more about the rules, read the post.
1.) This contest requires your level to be 125×70. In JCS, the Blue base must be placed at 15,40 and the Red base at 111,40 (it doesn’t matter which way they face). You can only use one full energy carrot (and no other carrots) at position 63,40. Everything else you can do whatever you want.
2.) Use triggers any way you want to. Team based routes, jails, etc…
3.) I won’t be judging this. At least not exactly. The people themselves and a panel of judges will. I’ll set aside a week for voting after the deadline.

Go make some levels. NOW.

- CrazyMike


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