PC Gamer reposts Jazz 1 review from 1995

20 Jul 2014 at 23:21
PC Gamer

Intentionally, just to be clear.

PC Gamer reposts classic reviews every Sunday, but you can’t tell me the choice of Jazz Jackrabbit CD for today’s wasn’t inspired by all the recent BlueStreak hubbub. It’s a positive review that notably makes next to no mention of gameplay. Jazz 1 was a technological showcase in 1994, easy as that can be to forget in this modern age with our endless waves of indie 2D platformers, and the PC Gamer review bought completely into the “just as good as home consoles” narrative, though it does take some time to praise things that are more artistic than technological, like Nick’s amazing character animation.

- Violet CLM


Hare on 21 Jul 2014 at 06:25

I remember a friend of mine showing me the video games on his 386 back in 1993. They all seemed awkwardly clunky compared to what I had on the NES. :P

In ’96, my dad got together with a lady with a 25mhz 486 (with 4 mb of ram… And a SoundBlaster card. Very important.) and I discovered the joys of $1 shareware disks being sold at a local gas station.

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