A new set of concept art images for JJ2 have been discovered! A handful are familiar from appearing as box/CD art, but most had never been seen outside of Epic Games. There are a lot of pictures of Eva and her mother, including a shot of Eva carrying a gun and wearing something similar to Jazz and Spaz’s armbands, suggesting it may have been a design for her as a playable character. There are also several sketches that match images used in the final game, primarily menu character selection sprites and Spaz’s ingame sprites.
Check out the full album here, or join the JCF discussion here.
Thanks to Leo TCK, KarmeleQ, and Love & Thunder for their work unearthing these new glimpses at JJ2’s origins.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
holy shit, this is the best thing since sliced bread
and everybody knows, sliced bread is the best thing ever.
Are these pics from Nick’s sketches stack he wanted to auction on eBay? Not all originals were destroyed after all?
Ok I realize duplicate accounts aren’t smiled upon, buuuut I last logged in back in 2007 and can’t figure out how to get in. (Also I was a little douchey back then, reading through my old comments. Sorry about that.)
Anyway I absolutely had to make a comment that I very much appreciate this post. I still check this site every so often and I was absolutely thrilled to see this art, especially Eva with a gun. Even as a kid I would give her a gun in my drawings, so it’s cool to see it was considered way back when.
Keep up the good work you guys. :)
^ was your name GenX or something like that? I’m psychic. :/
thanks for sharing, everyone!