Got an idea

9 Nov 2006 at 04:00

I have got an idea that if you think a certain boss is too hard, and you really, really want to play it without dying, this will make it easier.
What this does is (after a certain amount of time), it takes you to the next level, even if you’re not done the boss, and if you can stand it for that amount of time.
What you have to do:
1. Make an animating tile, (solid) set the fps to 1, and make 30, 40, 50, (or however many you want) frames of that same tile. When you want the time to stop, just put two or three blank tiles in there.
2.(optional) put the start position near the boss (this makes it shorter, so you can test)
3.Put end area events under the animating tile.
4. Test the boss to make sure you can make it to the end.
Whop away!
You can also do this for respawning enemies!
EDIT: Oh yes, i forgot to say something. You need to put the tile you just made as ground.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fps: frames per second

- Jimbob

This was posted on RabbitJournal on 9 Nov 2006 at 04:00. You can post, too!


Jimbob on 9 Nov 2006 at 04:44

Oh and, you might wanna put one-way events on the animating tiles.

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