Vegito yet again! | 15 votes (17%) |
Grytolle! | 6 votes (7%) |
R3ptile! | 3 votes (3%) |
Bobby makes a comeback! | 6 votes (7%) |
FQuist surprises us all! | 15 votes (17%) |
Quickz perhaps! | 1 vote (1%) |
No way, snooze! | 0 votes (0%) |
Superjazz PWNAGE! | 6 votes (7%) |
Good luck to you all | 35 votes (40%) |
Total votes: 87 |
Anyway, just because I have no sane poll question ideas floating around, deal with this (complain and suffer): Jazz Jackrabbit 3 coming in 2008?
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
Unhit on 12 Jan 2008 at 16:05
wtf only 6 rounds? :O
Vegito on 12 Jan 2008 at 16:21
Short season this is, Unhit.
And I voted for SJ to be the whinnar(!)
Violet CLM on 12 Jan 2008 at 19:56
As in, “is it coming” or “what do you think of the idea of it coming”?
cooba on 12 Jan 2008 at 20:22
The latter.
SUPER DRAGON on 13 Jan 2008 at 02:15
What does SJ stand for anyway? Is it Spaz Jackrabbit or something else,Violet?
EvilMike on 13 Jan 2008 at 05:34
“(-) only 6 rounds? :O”
Same as last season. Longer seasons tend to lose interest towards the end. At one time we actually did seasons as short as 5 rounds.
With shorter seasons is should be possible to do them more often too, which is good.
Unhit on 13 Jan 2008 at 09:21
yeah i agree, i remember back in 20002 rounds had only around 20 participants in the end. i was just surprised because i didn’t play the last seasons ;P well, looking forwards to jdc15 then ;)
spejsboi on 13 Jan 2008 at 18:43
Nonomu198 on 14 Jan 2008 at 13:57
20002 ROX.
DoubleGJ on 14 Jan 2008 at 18:24
yeah this is the year JJ3 comes out ;[
JordanJett on 15 Jan 2008 at 01:18
Aliens have invaded earth
Violet CLM on 16 Jan 2008 at 04:03
Oh notices question!. Umm, SJ is SuperJazz, I’m guessing.
Vegito on 16 Jan 2008 at 11:24