J2O problems sort of fixed

27 Jan 2008 at 17:24

Update: Registration has been turned on again. All e-mail problems have been solved

Someone, probably our host, made a major messup by not announcing a major compatibility-breaking upgrade of the server’s software. This caused the problems many of you have experienced all day. There might still be problems around and some posts, downloads, reviews and other contributions may have disappeared due to amateurish mistakes at our host’s end. This has not been confirmed yet.

Thank you Caffne for being helpful by quickly going after the information we needed, so that we could fix our site faster.

Note that there is a high probability of site functions being broken in some places. If you encounter any, please notify us of them (preferrably here, in PM or on the JCF).

Site functions known to be broke:

  • Ratings in the downloads section are messed up (10 for example)
  • Some posts/reviews/wiki entries show up as being empty. Rest assured, they’re not.
  • Zooming in on screenshots is broken

- Fquist


Ricerind on 27 Jan 2008 at 17:29

Glad to help.

cooba on 27 Jan 2008 at 19:54

On the plus side, we have PHP5 ;)

Nonomu198 on 27 Jan 2008 at 21:00


sonicnathan 1 on 27 Jan 2008 at 21:04

I got up this morning and I tried to download something but it all came up with no level ID!

Nonomu198 on 28 Jan 2008 at 17:13

The #jj2 stats wont work

Ricerind on 28 Jan 2008 at 17:21

They’re not even hosted on J2O.

Ricerind on 28 Jan 2008 at 17:24

Also, GD is out.

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