The latest installment in EvilMike’s The Resurrection of Devan Shell has surfaced at long last. This is not all EM had to say in April, though, as the fourth episode was preceded by re-releasing the prior three parts of the sprawling adventure.
The Resistance puts our nameless hero on a war-overriden Carrotus, fighting in a battle that’s doomed to be lost. The player’s goal here is to establish the link between the main base of the resistance movement and its nearly starving outpost located in the village Thrax. In the middle of his mission, the hero makes a visit to a place turned bad, and the plot gets an unforeseen twist…
Download this episode now! And if that wasn’t enough of EvilMike, check out his revived JJ2 blog at Nifty huh?
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
Among the best, and thus, most deserving featured downloads I can remember.
YEAH! Congrats Mike! Certainly deserves the Featured Download. Best SP levels I have ever played this year. =D
I wonder if we can expect Episode 5 in 2009.
I’d like to get it done within a year from now. Maybe even late 2008, but don’t hold your breath or anything.
By the way what’s with the weird smudge in the top left on the screenshots?
probably some kind of ‘shine’, EM
also congrats, but it was quite obvious :P
Hint: don’t use lensflares
Or whatever that upper left corner thing is
hahahaha “lensflares”
gratz mike
well what the heck is it supposed to be then
Good job! Every episode you’ve made has become The feature download. Good job!
That ‘lensflare’ is probably just some kind of transparancy effect commonly used with ‘web 2.0’ based sites, most people appear to appreciate it, just like the rubbish Vista Aero style.. :p
Anyway, I have played the pack 2 days ago and it indeed appears to be the best SP released this year. Altough only Episode5 is likely to exceed this thought, really.. ;)
Oh yeah. If 4 is this good, 5’ll knock our sockies off.