As some of you may know, I write a blog on JJ2 levels, mostly doing reviews of single player levels/episodes which I feel are noteworthy.
I stopped updating it in October last year, but brought it back recently. Just as I did before, I will be posting on Rabbitjournal once every month or two to highlight some of the recent updates.
Here are the reviews I posted in May, along with one review from October last year which I didn’t get around to mentioning.
Hunt for red october by Qaz (4.5)
Dino Station by Wakeman (4.0)
Game Board by T-boned T-raex T. Teupac (4.0)
The Library / Banana Beach by Kejero (3.5)
I read all comments, so leave one if you feel like it!
This was posted on RabbitJournal on 2 Jun 2008 at 03:21. You can post, too!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
rabbitjournal is so useless
wow. that’s obvious. Wanna try reviweing my level [tee hee hee]
how come this was bumped to the top of the page
It seems to be n00b’s post being at the top now.. And I’ve readed your new reviews (or blog entries..) and I especially like your attention to Hunt for Red October. I’ve heard of this level long ago but haven’t ever thought about playing it. One of my favorite classic level packs was that one by Martin I can’t remember that well, it was something about Devan plotting to destroy the planet’s core or something like that, something to review in the future?
I definitely plan on reviewing some of Martin’s stuff eventually. The trouble is that there is a lot of stuff out there by him, and the earlier releases really aren’t that good. I’m thinking of maybe taking all of his early, sub-par releases and going over them in one post. Then, some time after doing that, I can get around to featuring the better stuff.