Upon request, I’ve made available a torrent containing all music files on Jazz2Online (see this newspost). This archive contains all j2b, mod, xm, s3m, mtm, mo3, umx and it files ever uploaded to this site, 1449 files to be exact. Please seed after downloading.
The torrent can be downloaded from LegitTorrents, here
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Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
Ummm…Its free?
Yes, no strings attached ;)
Downloading and I’ll keep seeding forever(!)
I have a question about the torrent. If new unique music files are uploaded to J2O, would we need an entire new filesharing torrent or could the file be added and it will be downloaded afterwards?
Either way, I’m quite good on my way to downloading the entire collection and I will keep seeding this torrent for all those who are interested.
New files won’t be in the torrent. You’d have to download them one by one, from the regular downloads section (which lists files by date).
Perhaps if a lot (say, 500) new files are uploaded I could compile a new torrent, but for now you’ll have to do with that.
Nice job Stijn, well appreciated.
Works for me, Stijn.
All files are in now, and being seeded (almost) 24/7.
Very awesome. Had my ISP not decided to block all torrents (since they are apparently evil), I’d be all over this.
Almost 3 years ago I released soundtrack and remixes from JJ games on eD2k network – all of 283 songs I converted to MP3 format.
The link can be found there:
…and eMule 0.49c OfFixed can be downloaded from:
you made 283 JJ game remixes..?