funky map making contest

28 Jan 2011 at 14:45

well well well i want to see how do people
make good levels and i want to learn them
bcs im just an average lvl maker now
so make levels as good as you want
send me a PM to tell me if the levels are
finished or no so keep working
and goodluck

- aritra1115

This was posted on RabbitJournal on 28 Jan 2011 at 14:45. You can post, too!


aritra1115 on 28 Jan 2011 at 14:48

will here be any comments? :P

Zoro on 30 Jan 2011 at 08:13

There will be comment! :)

aritra1115 on 3 Feb 2011 at 12:48

can somebody approve it ;P

Zoro on 4 Feb 2011 at 08:32

aritra1115, admins can approve it, if you have at least 5 votes on post.
But your post is not well written…

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