Jazz2Online news for February 2025

Permalink New Jazz arcade machine in Fortnite February 24th 2025

It’s time to reset the clock about whether Epic Games remembers that they made Jazz Jackrabbit!

Fortnite has gotten a new update at some point, adding arcade machines, and one of them is themed after Jazz Jackrabbit. The sprites on the side are all higher-definition versions of Jazz 2 menu sprites, and the face of the arcade machine uses an inexplicable redraw of a screenshot of Jazz 1, rather than just use a screenshot of Jazz 1.

One assumes the arcade machine is just a static texture, and not playable. This follows up from the poster discovered in 2017.

Another of the Fortnite machines references ZZT, a game with over 4000 custom worlds, presumably none of which would be playable on a hypothetical ZZT arcade machine.


Permalink JCS Awards 2024 February 12th 2025

Source: JCF thread

Did you know that people made a lot of neat levels for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 in 2024? And did you know that you get to vote on which you think were the best?

Well, good news, it’s time for the JCS awards!

You can vote either by filling out a Google form or by replying to the JCF thread. Categories include:

- 17 nominees for Best Battle
- 17 nominees for Best CTF
- 4 nominees for Best Single Player
- 15 nominees for Best AngelScript
- 35 nominees for Best Eyecandy
- 8 nominees for Best Author

All voting must be done by the end of February 21st28th—that’s Friday of next week! Remember to give yourself time to check out the nominees, don’t wait until the last minute. Join in our longstanding community tradition.
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