Questions for JJR2 Animator

8 Apr 2011 at 03:56

Hello, I am Scott I was one of the developers of JJR2 – Specifically I was an animator that worked on all of the JJR2 projects, including Secret Files, Holiday Hare and Christmas Chronicles. I did the majority of the cleanup/ink and paint in the cinimatics and all of the cleanup/ink paint on Lori.

Every few weeks a few fans track me down asking questions about the development of JJR2 so I thought it would be easier to move that here. If you have a question about the development of JJR2 or animation in general feel free to give me a buzz.

- SillyLittlePiggy

This was posted on RabbitJournal on 8 Apr 2011 at 03:56. You can post, too!


SillyLittlePiggy on 8 Apr 2011 at 04:02

First question I have gotten is: “How do you get a job in the video game industry?” Well… for me I got kind of lucky as my best friend and mentor had just gotten hired to animate the cinimatics on JJR2. He got the job by completing a giant portion of the animation used in the intro and sending it to them asking for work. I then was helping him with the cleanup and coloring just as a friend and he suggest I apply as well and gave me a nice referral which helped a great deal. Now a days I would say you need a solid portfolio that caters directly to what you are trying to do and then keep sending in you resume and work until they hire you!

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