RabbitJournal posts for February 2012

Permalink Cooperative Let's Play February 28th 2012

Source: Youtube

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re pretty good at Jazz 2. You probably know that it’s a much easier game than Jazz 1, and you may even know the official SP levels inside and out. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch some people who very clearly don’t know what they’re doing while they try to beat the game? In Cooperative mode?

That’s what I thought. (Warning for language.)

Votes: 5 (admin approved!)

Permalink Arjan Brussee leaves Guerilla for EA Games February 23rd 2012

Source: Gamer.nl

Arjan Brussee, the founder of Guerilla Games (Killzone) and lead programmer of Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2 has announced today his departure at Guerilla Games. The reason for this is that he wants a new ambitious project and EA Games can give him that.

He will be the executive producer at Visceral Games (Dead Space). Jazz Jackrabbit 2 programmer Michiel van der Leeuw will take over Arjan’s old position within Guerilla.

Votes: 7 (admin approved!)

Permalink My Youtube Channel February 23rd 2012

Hi, guys:
I’m Taiwan_Jazz, and this is my youtube channel:
http://www.youtube.com/user/JazzJackrabbitTW: http://www.youtube.com/user/JazzJackrabbitTW

Please visit and subscribe / leave some comments if you love Jazz Jackrabbit.
I’ll upload Jazz Jackrabbit-related when I have time.
Also, please give me some feedback of my gameplay.

- Taiwan_Jazz No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 1

Permalink Opensource Jazz2 Demo Video February 14th 2012

Source: lun4rsoft.info

Hello everyone,

I uploaded a few video’s showcasing my work-in-progress Opensource rewrite of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
The vids show a few levels being rendered at 1920×1080, while mantaining a high framerate.

Technodus Cargo Station (olctcs) on a 22-inch monitor:

Battle1 on a 42-inch led-TV:

Battle3 on a 42-inch led-TV:

This is not the final version, which will use a more optimized OpenGL renderer written by me. Also, things like animated tiles will be displayed correctly.

This is NOT the final version which will of course be more like JJ2 and less like a plain levelviewer.

Thanks for watching

Votes: 5