Nameless Frontline

Nameless Frontline is a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 clan started in 2010 by DanZeal and Nerd.


The clan was founded in June 2010 when DanZeal, along with several other members of Tux Masters decided to quit the group because of co-leader Master Sven’s foul behaviour towards TM’s members, especially the ones who happened to be staff. Despite this being the only reason stated, Master Sven’s lack of involvement in the clan’s management was probably the main reason for TM’s break up, hence the creation of NF.


A notable detail about NF is their choice of tag, \NF/. It was thought up by Jake with the idea to resemble the \o/ emoticon which, according to Wikipedia, is meant to express “praise, excitement, jumping for joy”.


  • Leadership: The clan is led by DanZeal and Nerd
  • War Team: DanZeal (war arranger), Nerd, Enigma
  • Other members: Arjan, Bart, Jake, ShakerNL, Toni (formerly tropiCCo)

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