Red Spring

The Red Spring JCS Event creates a spring that sends the player 8.5 tiles into the air (vertically) when the player touches the spring.

JCS details

Parameter Default Description
Delay 0 This parameter applies only for non-horizontal and non-ceiling springs and periodically moves the spring downwards into the ground for a set amount of seconds.
Keep 0 Keep X speed. The player keeps his horizontal speed when touching the spring and thus may be launched into the air diagonally
Keep 0 Keep Y speed. The player keeps his vertical speed when touching the spring. This parameter applies only for horizontal springs, which normally bounce the player diagonally downwards. With the Keep Y Speed parameter on, the player can touch the spring from underneath and travel diagonally upwards.
Ceiling 0 The spring is on the ground by default, since the Ceiling Parameter is set to 0 be default: 0 = ground, 1 = ceilling. (1 creates an upside down spring.)
